Policy informatics is addressing governance challenges and their consequences, which span the seeming inability of governments to solve complex problems and the disaffection of people from their governments. Policy informatics seeks approaches that enable our governance systems to address increasingly complex challenges and to meet the rising expectations of people to be full participants in th…
Referencing key contemporary debates on issues like surveillance, identity, the global financial crisis, the digital divide and Internet politics, Andrew White provides a critical intervention in discussions on the impact of the proliferation of digital media technologies on politics, the economy and social practices.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [244]-265) and index.; CONTENTS, List of Figures, List of Tables, Preface, Acknowledgements, 1. Introduction, 2. Proactiveness in the Firm, 3. Proactiveness towards customers, 4. Developing Radical Innovations, 5. Customer Related Proactiveness in the Case Innovations, 6. A Modified Framework of Customer Related Proactiveness during the development proces…
E-Parliament and ICT-Based Legislation : Concept, Experiences and Lessons presents a conceptual framework regarding e-parliament and analyzes the impacts of ICTs on the structure of parliament, its functions, relations with other actors and the legislative process. As a result of the means and opportunities created by ICTs, parliaments have had a chance to simplify and integrate their administr…
Steve Jobs adalah salah satu orang yang paling berpengaruh dalam abad ini, baik dalam bisnis maupun inovasi teknologi. Ia mendirikan Apple pada tahun 1976, sempat keluar pada tahun 1986 dan kembali lagi masuk sebagai CEO pada tahun 2000. Dengan kecerdasannya, Steve Jobs berhasil menciptakan perangkat-perangkat paling populer saat ini seperti iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone dan iPad. Kisah perjalanan…
Teknologi berjanji mengubah berbagai segi kehidupan pada masa depan, dari mesin yang mampu berpikir mandiri, sampai mobil yang dapat menyetir sendiri. Di bidang nanoteknologi, riset terbaru sedang berusaha membuat robot mikroskopik dan komputer yang dapat memasuki aliran darah atau ditanam di pakaian. Dalam ilmu baru biomimetik, para ilmuwan dan insinyur mempelajari alam untuk membuat produk ba…
Includes bibliographical references (p. [239]-246) and index.;