From scriptwriting through to production, this introduction to animation for students surveys key technical processes and examines a variety of stylistic approaches. The book includes visual examples from key animators and illustrated features on how to create exciting animation for a variety of audiences. This book is a vital resource for anyone who intends to make animation a part of their ca…
This profusely illustrated book offers a basic course for beginners in the art and practice of digital animation. Step-by-step tutorials and projects teach students how to create animation for TV, movies, computer games, Web sites, and other media. Also covered is instruction in the art and craft of scriptwriting, creating 3D effects, voice recording, using background designs and maquettes, pla…
Kamus ini memuat lebih dari 2.000 entri yang berhubungan erat dengan dunia televisi dan film. Di dalamnya, tercakup istilah-istilah yang biasa digunakan dalam proses produksi program televisi dan karya film, istilah-istilah teknis operasional di dalam studio televisi, studio editing, penulisan skenario, hingga istilah-istilah yang biasa digunakan para ahli dalam mengkaji televisi dan film. Seba…